The mention of diamonds immediately brings to mind something sparkling and fabulously expensive. And this is not far from the truth: the beauty of these wonderful stones is their uncontaminated sparkle and perfect clarity.
The purer and bigger the stone, the more expensive it is, it is an axiom. But over time, even a high-end diamond may become visually opaque. This is not because the stone is fake or has aged, but simply because it is covered with a layer of dirt and needs to be cleaned. By the way, did you know that a cloudy stone looks smaller than its shiny twin?
Why should diamonds be cleaned?
Any piece of jewelry, jewelry or costume jewelry, needs periodic cleaning. It is a gem that attracts dirt and soot from the environment (where have you seen a metropolis with a good environment?), particles of our natural secretions (grease and sweat) and skin-care products, as well as impurities from the most basic household chores.
Diamond jewelry is not usually worn daily, so it does not get dirty as quickly as, for instance, basic necklaces or wedding bands. As a consequence, they need cleaning less often than everyday jewelry, but it is still necessary to take care of them.
Diamonds are traditionally considered powerful amulets. People with a penchant for mysticism recommend their periodic “bathing” under running water in order to get rid of accumulated negativity.
A diamond is the hardest substance known to modern science. It is impossible to scratch it, unless you have another diamond handy. These stones are almost eternal; they cannot lose their primordial shine from the inside out. This means that it’s just a matter of plaque accumulating on any piece of jewelry.
Diamonds are inert to most acids and alkalis, they can withstand high temperatures and high humidity, and they are insensitive to the rays of everyday life; they are rather extreme in the world of minerals. However, one should understand that they do not exist in isolation, but as jewelry inserts.
Gold is not distinguished by its outstanding performance characteristics: it is rather soft and cannot withstand the directed physical impact. Platinum is more stable, but it cannot compete with a diamond.
This means that during use or with inadequate care, the setting can lose its presentable appearance. Sometimes it deforms to the point where it no longer holds the inserts. To lose a diamond… Even it sounds painful!
One should not forget the fact that there may be other inlays in the jewelry; a diamond may be set side by side with other stones or precious organics. For example, if the jewelry piece has a set of emeralds, which are much more delicate, let alone pearls, then you should take them as a guide. A diamond will stand a lot, but you have to be extremely careful when it comes to the “untouchables.
How to clean diamonds at home
If you wish to clean a gold ring with diamonds yourself, be guided mostly by the setting and other inserts. It is better to wear gloves, because some products are not deemed as skin-friendly, and even oily stains on the fingers are not good for the aesthetics of the jewelry.
Below you will find the simplest ways to clean your diamonds with the most common cleaning tools. It is strongly advised to use only soft brushes, cotton buds and sponges, which are gentle on gold and delicate gems. Even with a metal brush, diamonds cannot be scratched, but gold loses its original shine, and other stones may suffer as well.
After the cleaning procedure, jewelry should always be rinsed under cool running water, and in the end – to wipe with a soft flannel cloth or a cloth napkin.
So, here we go:
- Soap solution. You can clean diamonds at home with an ordinary soapy solution. Prepare a soapy solution (dilute in warm water liquid soap, shampoo, shower gel, dishwashing liquid) and put the jewelry in it. Nothing bad will happen if you leave the jewelry in the solution overnight. You can remove dirt in hard to reach areas with a soft toothbrush or cotton swab.
- Ammonia. This method is exceptionally “fragrant,” but for diamond jewelry, it is ideal. Ammonia is a great way to remove dirt from the setting and give diamonds a fantastic shine. So, we pour about a tablespoon of ammonia (chemist’s ammonia as well) into a glass of warm water, put the jewelry piece in it, and then we take it out on the balcony for 2-3 hours. For jewelry with pearls this method is not recommended!
- Vinegar. One more “fragrant” variant, which is perfect for diamonds but not for pearls. You may take a glass of vinegar, warm it up a little, and then put your jewelry piece for half an hour. Just don’t forget to rinse and dry it.
- Onions. The juice of onions is a great way to remove dirt without causing any harm to your jewelry. However, the process of obtaining this magic ingredient can be accompanied by tears, especially if you only have an ordinary grater. So, grate an onion (if you have a food processor or a blender, great), strain the juice through gauze, put your jewelry for an hour or two. If afterwards you rinse the jewelry carefully under running water, the onion smell will disappear instantly.
- Soda – This is an option that involves boiling, so do not use it for jewelry with other inlays. Gold and diamonds will shine brighter, but delicate minerals can irrevocably deteriorate. So, take a heat-resistant container and line its bottom with ordinary cooking foil. Pour there a liter of water and pour 50 grams of baking soda (you can use table salt or both together). We put the decorations in the container, put it on the stove and boil it for 10-15 minutes.
- Alcohol or vodka. A great and generally available option: periodically wipe the jewelry with vodka or medical alcohol. It is better not to use dyed drinks: they can leave stains (easily washed off, but still). Gold will remove basic dirt, and diamonds will shine even brighter!
- Coca-Cola. A very exotic, but quite acceptable option. Just pour a glass of Coke, put the jewelry and wait until morning. Most of the dirt should come off.
- It is extremely undesirable to use absorbent cotton. Of course, you will not damage the jewelry, but its fibers, which are crammed under the setting, are difficult to remove.
What is the best way to clean diamonds?
There are special products for the care of various jewelry items (mainly sprays and solutions for soaking) that are sold in stores. For the most part, their formulas are universal, and are suitable for all jewelry (except for versions with organic inlays). Carefully read the instructions, as some products are used only for metals and are not friendly to inserts in principle!
It is better not to save money and periodically give the jewelry to a professional cleaner. Your jeweler will carefully remove the dirt with ultrasound, and if necessary, will polish and repair your jewelry.
How to Care for Diamonds
Diamond rings (or other jewelry with similar inlays) are easy to care for: as mentioned above, diamonds are not fussy, so your task boils down to taking good care of the setting.
Allocate to each piece of jewelry a personal cell in a special box, or keep the premium jewelry in separate cases on velvet. Diamonds deserve an individual approach!
Keep your jewelry from humidity (do not store in the bathroom!), avoid proximity to radiators and other sources of heat, and do not wear your diamond jewelry in the sauna, working out or on the beach (yes, yes, some people have such fantasies!) Remember that if handled carelessly, the setting may lose its presentable look, and the stones may fall out and get lost.
Do not be lazy to show your jewelry piece to your jeweler, because the inlay may be already loose and you may not even notice it. Do not skimp on it: here, the miser not only pays twice, but also sheds bitter tears over the hopelessly ruined jewelry!